My interest in landscape photography stems from several sources. I grew up in rural New England, and from an early age spent considerable time in the countryside. And even though I have lived in Southern California for 30-plus years, I still miss the change of the seasons, that first hint of spring in the air, the deeply saturated green of the hills and fields in the late spring and early summer, the crispness of the autumn air, the beauty and stillness of the first snow, and the crunch of ice-cold snow as it is walked on. Another influence is my educational background in traditional black and white and color landscape photography.
My current body of work uses the Holga plastic camera to explore color representations of the natural world. I am fascinated by how the introduction of a little piece of plastic in between the viewer and the scene can create an altered reality – virtual memories of the past; dream-like, nostalgic, and wistful.
Judith A. Preston
© The Photographer's Eye: A Creative Collective