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"Caged" by Angela Franks Wells

Angela Franks Wells

Media: Vandyke Hybrid
Framed Size: 25" x 19"
Price: $600

Artist Statement:
As an educator and artist, I ask a lot of questions. I’m deeply interested in the relationship of photography and truth; representation and reality; and play in the creative practice. These images allow me to investigate the intersections. Simulacra meets pun meets discomfort meets cheeky humor in a staged setting. I utilize a hybrid printing process that infuses color via a digital base of the CMY layers and print the K layer in the van dyke process. The resulting prints amplify the visual query of what, when, real, and making belief.

Photo Process:
I utilize a hybrid printing process that infuses color into the van dyke printing process. Using photoshop, the K layer of a color image is extracted and the remaining CMY layers are printed on a smooth surfaced printmaking paper. I prefer using Stonehenge as it accepts the ink well and the van dyke chemistry. The full color image is converted to grayscale and turned into a digital negative. The CMY base image is coated with van dyke chemistry, dried, exposed, fixed, and dried just as a traditional van dyke would be made.
"Caged" by Angela Franks Wells