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Special Mention - Friedlander: "Why"

Special Mention

Ellen Friedlander

Media: Collaged Digital Pinhole Image, Archival Pigment Print
Price: $2500

To create this photograph, I used my Canon 5D Mark III with a Pinhole lens. I then printed a straight and reversed version of the lightly processed photograph. After that, I began to cut the photographs using an exacto knife, slicing the photographs and reassembling them to accentuate my emotional state and created this unique hand finished work of art.

Betrayal: Shattered in a Moment Artist Statement:
A child was conceived, and everything changed. I learned that my husband of 25 years had fathered a child with another woman. And yet, my love for this man had not waned nor had his love for me, but he had lost his way. I grieved deeply, counseled my children on their grief and confusion, and through thousands of conversations have grown to understand this man but in a profoundly new way. Putting myself in front of the camera in times of paralyzed sadness has helped my inner being process very complex emotions and to free negative energy.

Deliberately cutting these emotionally fueled photographs into vertical uneven strips and reassembling them is the physical manifestation of letting go of this story that no longer serves me. As the new photograph takes shape using the strips, I feel renewed and invigorated to let myself shed the past and be free to find happiness.
Special Mention - Friedlander: "Why"