"Room 3" Tallinn, Estonia
Beatta M Bosworth Media: Intaglio Photo GravurePrice: $280 Process: Intaglio prints, made from etched copperplates, are one of three basic types of hand-made prints. They are immediately distinguishable from the other two types by their platemark, resulting from the pressure of drawing the ink out of the recess of the plate and into the paper. Like photogravure, the other intaglio techniques — engraving, drypoint, etching, aquatint, and mezzotint — require an etching press.
In a gravure print (also known as photogravure, hèliogravure, or
gravure ‡ l’aquatinte), the tones and variations in light and shadow, and the textures of various surfaces, are the distinguishing features. Under magnification, the aquatint grain of a photogravure prints is visible. The gravure printmaking technique I use is based on the inventions of W H F Talbot and Nicèphore Niépce in the 1830s. The history of this technique and its relation to printmaking in Europe is sketched in my
Inklings essay.