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Artist Statement

I have always regarded my photography as “visual haiku” because of its poetic and contemplative quality. I have been greatly influenced by not only Japanese and Chinese landscape painters, but also by Japanese and Chinese poetry. So it is no surprise that those aesthetics permeate the photography that I make. My experience is that when beauty crosses our path, whether grand or humble, thinking disappears in that instant and a quiet stillness descends. In this way the experience of beauty is like a meditation, no matter how brief the encounter. Making photographs is my way to pay homage to those moments when the universe offers up such gifts of beauty. These moments open our awareness to the innate inner silence that we all share. It is my hope that these photographs will evoke that stillness in the viewer.

Jodie Hulden

"Nov-2""Stairway""The Back Room""Solace""Emptiness""Breathing the Light""Wave""The Space Between""Seeing Silence"